We re-started the 2020-21 year with 100% Remote Learning. There had been rumors of In-Person restart based on O.C. health “colors.” Rating systems changed, and new T.K./ Kinder students started the year… virtually!
We kept talking schools reopening; 1st before Halloween; then before Thanksgiving; next before Christmas; maybe after the new year? I don’t believe anyone thought that our start would be in March 2021, a full year after 2020 school closures.
What did we learn? We learned elbow bumps, virtual hugs, masking, distancing, shelter at home, postal food, state and federal edicts, restlessness, fear, sorrow, diet, exercise, eating a lot, friends, family, appreciation, hope, Internet, apps, AND ZOOM! Parents learned how to be teachers, teachers/ parents/ students learned to use technology, and we awaited better, safer days. We learned that school In-Person was a good goal, a lofty goal: We longed for it as we longed for more normal life, as we dealt with tragedy and loss, as we desired to eat at a restaurant, hug a friend, have our smile displayed in a photo... or even in person. We learned that school AT SCHOOL was better for most (not ALL but MOST). We learned that teachers at school were better for ALL (teachers especially). We found that Internet bandwith was a thing. Faylane teachers discovered… it is VERY complicated to Room and Zoom at the same time, and they tackled the complexity in the line of the many other issues faced (with heroism). I feel that I worked with the heroes of the last year, who supported the now heroes of their own friends and families this year. Community was deepened as we labored together for the Faylane good. There is yet labor ahead.
Sixth grade falcons, I salute you. You returned (most of you), survived COVID-19, lasted out a year (or more) at home, found your way to the age of vaccination dropping your own age (lucky you- ouch!) You will promote to 7th grade with the hope of people present in school in your future. Last year’s promotion students became quarantined class. You present us the class vaccinated and… set free?! In what could be described as a difficult, tumultuous and bewildering time, you have been champions, heroes among the heroes around you! I applaud you: Here’s to hope for better days ahead!!!
Mr. Ingalls