
Register Now for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten - article thumnail image

TK/Kindergarten Enrollment Begins Wednesday, February 5

Go to the Garden Grove Unified School District Website: Click on the PARENT tab Click on PRE-ENROLL MY CHILD Complete the form, save, gather the proper documents and call the school office for an appointment. 714-663-6253 After pre-e…
District Calendar - article thumnail image

Garden Grove Unified School District Calendar 2024-2025

View the district school year calendar.
Join Faylane PTA - article thumnail image

Join the PTA

Faylane PTA is a membership-based, non-profit organization of parents, teachers and members who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of students within the school. By joining PTA, your dues support valuable programs and services de…
ParentSquare - article thumnail image

Stay Connected with ParentSquare!

Faylane Elementary uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage paren…
Faylane a Pivotal Practice School 2022, US News and World Report Best Schools 2022 - article thumnail image

Faylane received word ​that we were a Pivotal Practice Award School!

Faylane has received it's second award this year, the first was announced in ​fall 2021 that we were a Us News "Best School" among schools rated across California and the U.S. Yesterday, we received word ​that we were a Pivotal Practice Award Scho…
Best Elementary Schools - article thumnail image

U.S. News and World Report

Faylane Elementary in the top 30% of U.S. News and World Report’s rankings of Best Elementary Schools.
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